My question is about when is my hard drive encrypted. Is the full drive de-crypted after logging in, or only as it accesses files? Here is my specific question and situation...
I run Symantec Endpoint Encryption (PGP) for my laptop... not server hoted, but residing direclty on my laptop. I ran the full disk encryption to encrypt my hard drive. When I log into my computer I enter via the Symantec log-in screen, and then after that the Windows desktop log-in screen. I'm wondering at this point is my hard drive fully decrypted? After screen saver mode I log back in on the Windows screen, but NOT the Symantec screen. Does this means my drive was decrypted after the Symantec log-in and no longer protected? If my computer is stolen in screen saver mode, could someone access my files?
Thanks in advance for a reply.