How create exclusion for especific program in Application control policy
I need a solution Hi...I need Help.I dont know how create an exclusion for a program in the rule "Stop Software Installer [AC8]" in endpoint protection.I enter in edit in this rule and i create a...
View ArticlePGP Desktop Client, odd dll???
I need a solution So I happened to notice that I have two background threads for IE, currently digging into that, but I have noticed something a bit odd..... Anyone know why there is a thread in its...
I need a solution Hi,SQL Server was decomissioned without notice. There are No Backups. What are my options? SEPM Console is still available.VM of old server can be restored but no SQL existst.SEPM...
View ArticleImpact of SEPM with AD Integration
I need a solution Hi,We are planning to integrate our SEPM with the AD. But I am not sure about its impacts on the existing environment.Recently two month back we migrated the SEPM from v11.0.6300 to...
View ArticleDiskpart encryped drive
I need a solution I have a laptop with Symantec encrypted drive. I need to reimage the device using MDT. My task sequence is failing on the partition task. DISKPART is failing as well when I try to...
View ArticleIs there a mac version for SEP 12.1 RU4 mp1?
I need a solution I can't find any online info addressing this.
View ArticleAntivirus defintion is not updating
I need a solution Hi Alli am facing issue for few server for updating antivirus definition.I am getting error for downloadnisght malfunction.Antivirus and spyware definitions are out of date.I am...
View ArticleRemove SEPM from remote clients or convert to unmamaged
I need a solution Hello All, We have been hosting a SEPM server for our clients for the last several years. We use NAT redirects, since the server is behind our datacenter firewall and the clients...
View ArticleDLP Agent Configuration Recommendations for Best Performance
I need a solution We're upgrading to DLP 12.5 and want to leave some of the old issues behind. Wondering if someone has a set configuration that is stable with new version. Looking for storage size on...
View ArticleDLP 12.5 and IE browsers
I need a solution We have many issues with 11.6.3 and IE 8. We plan on upgrading DLP to 12.5 as well as move away from IE8. My question is, has anyone had problems with IE 8 where the user experience...
View ArticleSMSMSE spam mail forwarded from trusted domain
I need a solution Hi,We have Microsoft Exchange 2013 SP1 with SMSMSE for one domain (domain A), and Kerio Connect (a 3rd party mail server) for another 3 domains we managed. (domain X, Y, and Z)For...
View ArticleSMSMSE 7.5 missing not detecting Bloodhound.PDF.39
I need a solution Per the subject, SMSMSE 7.5 running on Small Business Server 2008 (Exchange 2007 SP3). There's no file level anti-virus running on the server. We're receiving 100's of the "inovice...
View Article[DLP] Install DLP servers on Amazon Cloud
I need a solution Just a quick post to ask if someone ever installed any of the DLP server roles on Amazon Cloud Services?I'm planning to install Enforce Server and Mail Prevent server on amazon...
View ArticleData Encryption
I need a solution Hello,I would like to know the difference between setting Data Encryption on the entire hard drive verses setting a system password.Appreciate all replies.~Maneesh
View Articlesymhelp tool remotely
I need a solution I am very well known about symhelp tool that is for daignose main requirement is can i run it remotely?If it be run then how it can be show me the report and how it be...
View Articleupgrade step
I need a solution I am planning for upgrade the symantec endpoint version, I will upgrade the client later will all old version clients normal connected to newer symantec console?
View ArticleSEMS
I need a solution Hi,I just got SEMS up and running. I use it with BES5 and Exchange 2010. I can send emails with pgp encryption to other recipients from inside and outside the company. But when other...
View ArticleSEP v12.1.4 Will Not Install
I need a solution I am trying to install SEP v12.1.4 on a Windows 8 PC and it is not working. I was hoping someone here could help me out figuring out what is wrong. I have disabled Windows...
View ArticleSymantic Endpoint Protection
I need a solution I am using windows 7 operating system, and have Microsoft office 2013 installed on my PC. It appears to be working fine but I keep getting a block up stating that symantic is...
View ArticleSymantec delete all my applications exe file
I need a solution I am using Symantec Endpoint protection 12.1. But it's trying to delete all my application exe files. I really don't think they are all infected by virus.And most risks are...
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