Hi all,
I've got a bit of a strange problem on one of the servers I manage. First let me provide you with some details about the infrastructure:
1 physical HyperV server runnig Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
2 virtual machine servers running Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
- Domain Controller
- Application Server
Previously SEPM and local SEP was installed on the servers and clients. Since about a year ago we switched to SEP.Cloud. The administrator back then didn't bother to remove the installation on the servers, only the clients. At one point, all the clients had SEP.Cloud and the servers were still running Local SEP and SEPM for management purposes (if any) on the DC. Also, BackupExec 2012 is installed to manage the back-ups.
When we finally addressed this issue I tried to uninstall SEPM and the local SEP client on both servers. On the App Server I was successfull. After a reboot (or 2) I was also able to successfully install SEP.Cloud.
However, on the DC I was not able to successfully remove the installation of SEP. I was able to delete SEPM however. What remained was a corrupt/defect installation of SEP. I was familiar with the removal tools, but called SEP support anyway. They made a few good suggestions, namely to completely uninstall BackupExec 2012 before running the removal tools (but saving the config and settings for easy reinstallation), which I did. So the only "installed" application is local SEP. I ran multiple removal tools, all saying removal was successfull. However, I now have the following problem:
When I reboot after running the removal tools the computer seems clean. No more entries in Installed Programs, I followed the technote for manual removal where I have to delete multiple folders/files and registry entries. Also, no entry for the DC in the SEP.Cloud portal (just saying). But still, when I install SEP.Cloud via the portal successfully, upon rebooting and logging in with my admin account, the software triggers the uninstall somehow and the SEP.Cloud software gets deleted. Also, upon logging in I receive the notifcation you will find in the attachements (some sort of background uninstall request, but haven't got the feintest idea where this comes from). I can only make these notifications go away with running the removal tools. Then, when I try to install SEP.Cloud again, the cycle starts over when I reboot.
Is there somebody who can help me with this frustating issue?
Kind regards,